
Visiting: Blenheim Palace to see the rooms decorated, the theme was the story of the Snow Queen this year, magical and so Christmassy on 23rd December. Perfect

Making: Mulled Cider, again

Making: Rainbow salad sprinkled with mixed seeds, a lot of crunch drizzled with a lemony, sesame dressing

Staring: at the beautiful sunsets

Cooking: Spicy rice with mixed peppers, mushrooms and tender-stem broccoli later. I need another meatless meal, it’s come to that point in the week. I found a Facebook memory which said similar on this day a year or two ago. Though I opted for fish pie back then

Visiting: Waddesdon Manor Christmas on 18th. The Manor was decorated nicely, but the weather for the outdoor market and illuminations eeek! It was only 3 degrees with pelting rain for the whole time. I became cold to the bone, brrrr!

Reading: a very promising advance reader copy of a novel to be published next summer. It’s about a heist planned by an all women team, in London in 1905. As I read I keep seeing it as a film, the writing is very cinematic. If the other half is as good I’ll tell you more about it near the publication date. I really hope it continues to be this good, I’m enjoying it so much

Wondering: about joining a book club but unsure I want to read others’ choices, especially as the first of next month is by Matt Haig. I’m not a fan, so far

Looking: at the sparkles on the Christmas tree

Listening: to music

Wishing: for a happy and healthy New Year for me and mine, you and yours too

Enjoying: crocheting by the Christmas tree, my bobble cowl is really growing. I can do around 40 minutes at a sitting, a couple of times a week. It’s slow crochet, but better than no crochet

Appreciating: the texture of this ball of Hayfield Spirit yarn, it’s got a crunchy crispy texture and great stitch definition

Sipping: Twinnings Spicy ginger tea. Tasty and warming while I am

Eating: Artisan du Chocolat salted maple caramels, bliss!

Liking: Crimbo Limbo very much; this chilled out time which is like no other during the rest of the year between Christmas and New Year

Loving: Carols From Kings College Cambridge, such a Christmas Eve tradition, did you watch it too? I know it’s broadcast around the world. Did you join in with Hark the Herald and realise it was pitched too high, for the choir boys? Tee hee

Buying: tea bags, peppers, red and yellow tomatoes, hovering over reduced parcel toppers and eco friendly twine for next Christmas and thinking “Nah! I can’t face it buying it all again.”

Feeling: reflective

Managing: a verbal Gold Star from my excellent physio therapist yesterday, for my “self-mobilisation”. December has been a challenge; full of exercises, walks, hot water bottles, massage, stretches, Sarah Keys Back Block stretches before bed. If you know, you know…

Watching: Ghostbusters, Knives Out, Ghosts Christmas special (made tears roll down my face at the end remembering those who have gone), Mortimer and Whitehouse Gone Fishing Christmas Special, The Snowman, The Snowman and the Snowdog (Someone is always so sad when the dog dies) Mrs Brown’s Boys (terrible, but traditional) The King’s Speech on Christmas Day (not the film, the actual King.) Tonight it might be Detectorists Christmas special or the second Knives Out film or…

Noticing: it’s lighter later, or is that wishful thinking? It’s lighter 2 minutes earlier every day from 21st after all

Hoping: those who have been unwell over Christmas will be much better soon

Wearing: relaxed house clothes, leaning against a hot water bottle. Prob unsafe, but far more comfy than a lumpy wheat bag

Following: our own agenda this week, while calling in to see older relatives regularly, we know we’re lucky to have them

Sorting: out how to use my new Contigo mug

Getting: lots of lovely things to use, drink and cook

Coveting: another year of Spotify Premium, mine ends on Sunday. I’ll miss it

Hearing: Holding onto You by Olivia Broadfield, one of the tracks on my ‘Soothing’ Spotify playlist, but it’s Goal of the Century which still makes my heart lift everytime it begins to play. I’ve been gradually adding to the playlist for years, it’s gorgeous. Perfect for Crimbo Limbo week


How are you? Have you celebrated Christmas, had time to chill, or is it work as usual? Either way I hope you’re healthy and have escaped the lurgy. I’ve know so many have been affected this week, I’ve sent much love and healing vibes to them.

It’s my blogging birthday on New Year’s Eve on Saturday, eleven years! 11. WOW.

Taking Stock – December

Making : oat cakes to go with the cheese mountain

Cooking : marzipan fruit cake

Drinking : Taittinger

Reading: One Day in December by Josie Silver

Wanting: another long walk, after an extended lunch with family yesterday

Taken at Upton house, a National Trust property

Playing: with my new iPad!

Deciding: To eat lots of fruit and veg today

Wishing: that you all have a lovely Crimbo limbo

Enjoying: time with family

Waiting: for a few new series to start on Netflix and Prime: Grace & Frankie, The Grand Tour

Liking: Our Christmassy house; lots of twinkly white lights

Wondering: which case to buy for my iPad (it’s 6th generation 2018, any recommendations?)

Loving: the Corinne Lapierre felt embroidery kits which I’ve been given for Christmas

Pondering: whether to try a little crochet (I know, it’s banned)

Considering: feeding my sourdough starter. I think I’ve made three loaves in four days, but it has been appreciated

Buying: nothing at the moment, after all the Christmas shopping – presents and food – if we haven’t got it, we can’t have it!

Watching: The last episode of The Kominsky Method on Netflix. Alan Arkin and Michael Douglas are funny together

Hoping: they commission a second series, there’s only six episodes

Marvelling: how I have lost my capacity to drink anything other than a couple of glasses; having done dry October and then nothing alcoholic again since the last weekend in November, until Christmas Eve

Cringing: at loud drunken people

Needing: a tissue, I’ve got the sneezes

Questioning: my mind is a relaxed blank

Smelling: Nothing, see above!

Wearing: sleepwear as I’m dictating this to my iPhone first thing in the morning, still in bed

Following: nothing particularly, screen time has been minimal this week

Knowing: I think about going back to a text-only phone then remember I’ve just been given a lovely new iPad!

Blenheim Palace at Christmas

Thinking: about putting an audiobook on next

Admiring: this father

Sorting: things to go to the charity shops

Getting: rounder! That’s the power of Christmas

Bookmarking: actual books

Coveting: some Simple facial wipes, used my last one

Opening: kitchen cupboards and finding chocolate and nuts everywhere

Giggling: at Albert Finney in Scrooge

Feeling: happy

Snacking: “Please take it away, I’ve eaten enough!”

Helping: with the washing up

Hearing: birds tweeting

Mixing: socially

Worrying: –

Slicing: vegetables, later, for a stir fry

Celebrating: Christmas, with family

Forgetting: nothing, I think I covered it all

Winning: at Christmas, It’s been a really lovely relaxed week

Pretending: I did cool auntie dancing yesterday

Sneaking: Rocky Road last night while watching TV

Embracing: my nieces, even though they were aghast at my auntie dancing


I hope you’ve had a really nice Christmas and things are going well with you


And that’s a year of Taking Stock:












Happy New Year!

My very favourite Christmas window from Fortnum & Mason, Piccadily, London.

I hope you’ve had a lovely, restful Christmas and are looking forward to this brand new year. I’ve had a super week and have really enjoyed catching up with family. I had a streaming cold on 25th, but fortunately it only hung around a few days afterwards and didn’t really spoil the celebrations. 

Ornamental cabbages and rosemary in Brown Hart Gardens, Duke Street, London.

I picked up what looks like a very good novel from the Bookstop. It was perfect timing as I wanted something to read while we had a pit-stop in the nearby pub. I’ll leave a book there next time I’m passing.

 I gave up chocolate mid-November until Christmas Day. I’m odd I know, but I liked the test of will-power and the sweet (!) anticipation of knowing in 5 weeks I would enjoy it again. Now I think I can say I’ve definitely eaten enough to make up for it! Today it’s a bank holiday here, so Christmas has continued now we’re back at home; with a few chocolates, a G&T and some roasted macadamia nuts along with the last Harry Potter film (he’s walking at ‘Kings Cross station’ with Dumbledore as I type…) But all good things must end, so tomorrow it’s back to healthier eating and I’ll be joining in with dry January until February 3rd. I shall pick up my crochet hook once more to add some rows to my ripple blanket and I’ll also do a traditional gallery post, showing what I made in 2016.

Are you on to healthy living in full force, or prolonging the celebrations a bit today too? Have you deChristmassed your home, or do you wait until twelfth night? Mine is still full of cards, candles, holly and decorations. I might remove a few things bit by bit as the week goes on, but not entirely until the fifth. I hope your first week of this brand new year is good.


Look at this lovely lot of colours…

I’ve been asked to make some crochet samples to put in my local shop, around their new yarns as samples for customers and perhaps provide a little colour inspiration.

I have to say that my mind is spinning with possibilities: flowers, perhaps crocheted together hanging down on the shelves, a little seasonal family of hedgehogs? Some mini bunting….?

I’ve been offered some money per hour for the crochet, and a completely free rein to make whatever I want. But when you get an exuberantly warm welcome, enjoy a friendly chat with both the Mr & Mrs and always leave smiling how can you charge for doing a favour, especially when it’s something you love?

Oh and they’ve gratefully received rainbow trout on several occasions which really puts them high in my estimation. (You really can have enough trout.)

No more chatting….I’m off to create.