Paper & Yarn

Hello there, how are we all today? It’s 1° here and the ice I tipped out of the bird water dishes YESTERDAY is still frozen on the lawn. Brrrr!

Going by my blog stats which show the varying number of countries this is read, I bet someone reading this somewhere right now is wearing shorts and a T-shirt, has been fanning themselves or cranking up the A/C, and complaining that it’s too hot…tell me if that’s you so I can turn a light shade of green.

I’ve brightened this photo and it still looks really dark and grainy, doesn’t it? Sorry. It’s that kind of day.

My Ana Lucia shawl (free pattern by Wilma Westenberg) is going on nicely. I’ve crocheted a few times over the last few weekends and enjoyed it a lot. Taking it easy on my hands, as is usual these days, but loving making each stitch. I’ve enjoyed the variety in this pattern, especially after crocheting good ole granny squares for my Coast Blanket.

Katia Silver Paint yarn (discontinued now I believe)

I picked up Snowflake by Louise Nealon at Stowe Gardens National Trust truly excellent secondhand bookshop on Saturday. There are always good finds. Often I buy recipe books but I’ve found myself missing reading paperback fiction lately. I am very attached to my Kindle, but have decided I’m going to keep a paperback downstairs for evenings when the TV is off and it’s a reading night, or there’s chance to read a page or two while something’s cooking etc.

‘Debbie lives on a dairy farm with her mother Maeve and Billy her uncle. Billy sleeps out in a caravan in the garden with a bottle of whiskey and the stars overhead for company. Maeve spends her days recording her dreams, which she believes to be prophecies. This word is Debby’s normal, but she is about to step into life as a student at Trinity College Dublin…’

Nealon’s style is fresh and her writing does seem unique, as promised in the blurb. This is a debut novel. I’ll add it to a future book recommendation post if it ends up being as good as it promises.

I’ve finished a few books this week so will decide what to read next on my Kindle and whether I want to start a new audiobook, or maybe I’ll stick with podcasts until my Spotify premium hours are back.


What are you making? Anything crafty going on? Any good books on the go?

Joining in with Kat’s Unravelled Wednesday, a weekly link up sharing making and reading. Whoop! I still miss Ginny’s Yarn Along at times and so am jumping in with Kat and gang.

9 thoughts on “Paper & Yarn

  1. Making- attic24 Starbright but in the Sungold yarnsmiths colours. I couldn’t settle with the sungold pattern so thought I’d try the starbright.
    Working in art journal
    Spinning a SpinJones set of mini batts on my Ladybug
    Reading – Charles de Lint Someplace to be Flying again as I love all his books and fancied a reread.
    Also finishing Susan Coopers dark is rising set. Love your shawl btw and yes minus here today

  2. I love the sparkle in the yarn you’re using — so much fun!

    I do love my Kindle books, especially if I’m reading while knitting or spinning, but I still love a paper book for reading before bed.

  3. What a wonderful variety of stitches in your shawl! Nice to mix things up every few rows. And a gorgeous yarn for the project.
    Your daffs gave me a little dose of sunshine today! Thank you :)

  4. Your shawl looks delightful. I do love to shop at secondhand bookshops. The daffodils are a nice bit of cheery yellow on a January day. I’m in the middle of the US and we are deep in winter.

  5. I do so love a sparkly yarn! and that yarn… well it just shines! I am glad you found us… I am not quite sure how one might get through the week without sharing what they are making and reading!

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