Crochet daffodil

My little contribution to a Spring Flowers yarn bomb. What a lovely little daffodil!

It was designed by Lucy of Attic 24, she’s so good at designing flowers. Here’s the pattern.

I couldn’t make another, or two, by the March 1st deadline as my hand needed some rest, but apparently there’s been a really good response so plenty of knitted (and maybe some crochet) flowers. One is better than none!

I blocked it flat as the leaves and petals were a little curly, but then realised that if it rains (when it rains) they will twirl upwards as soon as wet. So I left a green yarn tail and added a little wrap of yarn so the petals can be secured with a stitch or two.

In England in the spring there is a profusion of flowers and blossom, but actually not many daffodils are flowering around here yet. We’re not quite in springtime. The greenery is there, many buds and an occasional flowering daffodil, but not the golden array we will soon see everywhere. I can’t wait! In the meantime I’ve been buying £1 bunches for my jug. The sight of their happy faces is really cheering. Everything else has risen in price in the supermarkets, but a simple bunch of daffodils is still £1.

From January onwards there have been many winter snowdrops and croci to provide some welcome patches of colour and loveliness. These photos were taken in a mix of locations from various walks and outings over the last month, or so. I’ve got even more photos from other days, but you probably came for the crochet and might be overwhelmed…

Following my mum’s tip I sometimes gently lift a snowdrop’s bloom to see inside, being really careful not to step on others. There are so many different varieties, they are really lovely delicate little flowers.

This was taken yesterday while I paused on a walk
This beautiful bunch of croci was at the base of a tree in early February
Last Sunday. What’s that little patch of mauve in the hedgerow?
Wonderful planting
Half purple, half yellow

Have you ever made something for a yarn bomb?

What’s flowering at the moment in your part of the world?

Taking Stock – January

Making: freeform crochet pieces. Having a play around with scraps of DK. Also I’ve been trying Russian Joins versus Magic Knots to make a scrappy yarn ball. Magic knot wins, but not by much. I think I’d rather darn ends and make small motifs with scraps. Or donate to a school for craft. The knot is too hard to hide in crochet. Have you tried either, or freeform?

Cooking: Cullen Skink with homemade cheesy rolls. Delicious dinner!

Sipping: Vanilla & Macadamia coffee. Hawaiian coffee I was given for Christmas

Reading: Things in Jars by Jess Kidd, still…. I keep reading and reading, but I never seem to get to the end. I don’t know what’s happened to my reading speed. It’s a pretty good book, though quite dark so don’t read it if you’re not feeling in good spirits

Waiting: still waiting

Looking: at all the hellebores, snowdrops and croci that are appearing everywhere. They are a welcome sight!

Listening: to Taylor Swift’s Willow on the radio

Wishing: for a dry weather, blue skies and sunny day again SOON

Enjoying: Friday baking sessions. During January I’ve made focaccia, cornbread, stem ginger & sultana fruit loaf, cheesy rolls and lucky dip cookies

Appreciating: having a comfortable warm house in a quiet area

Eating: 30 plants a week. It’s quite fun listing them and seeing how well we’ve done. I’ve been reading and listening to Tim Spector guesting on a few podcasts to talk about gut health and diet

Liking: Simon Mayo’s announcement that he’s coming back to hosting a Drivetime show in March, on Greatest Hits Radio. I’m hoping there’s no, or at least few ads though, my listening loyalty depends on this to a large extent

Loving: crocheting and knitting regularly

Buying: Daffodils, they’re £1 for a bunch for instant sunshine, delivered with my groceries. “Hello there!” I say when they open.

Ah these went to the Great Compost Bin in the sky garden the next day and were greatly missed. Until the next bunch was delivered a few days later…

I’ve been in two shops in four weeks, one was the P.O. I miss museums, browsing large Sainsburys, local pubs, going to London, walking by the sea, travelling on buses and trains, going out for lunch with friends, buying new clothes, buying freshly made sushi …. the list goes on

Managing: to stay steady and plod on. We will get through this. I’m so sorry though for those who have lost their lives and their people who are grieving

Yes, we’ve had proper snowfall! This is a dodgy looking Snowhare we made the weekend before last. Enjoyed driving to visit my Social Bubble person and seeing lots of snowmen (and an impressive snowdog) on verges and by front gates

Watching: It’s a Sin on All 4. The Queen’s Gambit on Netflix. Taskmaster series also on All 4. We’re taking it in turns to choose past series. At the moment I’m watching and cringing / laughing as the series features someone I used to know when they were a child and babysat occasionally…!

If you fancy a silly, fun film then try ‘Tag’ a film on Netflix (or for a small price it’s on Prime)

Hoping: they vaccinate a second time soon. Three family members have had the first so far

Wearing: my favourite fleecy top

Following: the ShantyTok thing on TikTok. I’ve always enjoyed a good sea shanty

Noticing: the lingering daylight at 5pm, it’s definitely lighter later

Sorting: receipts

Getting: a pint of whole milk every week for porridge. It’s a game changer

Bookmarking: recipes. Always the same answer. I made a chicken orzo pasta bake last night, based on one I cut out of a magazine last year. As always I tinkered with it and added lots more veg too

Stem ginger & sultana loaf – lots and lots of sultanas, it was chock full

Coveting: FREEDOM

Feeling: restless for a long walk later. A 5-6 miler. Please don’t rain (as forecast)

Hearing: the heating clicking


I’ve been adding to this list during January, but hadn’t got around to writing it up properly. Oops!


What are you up to? (Particularly if you’re in the UK, or somewhere else where there’s also a longterm strict Lockdown. Are you managing to stay steady? What’s occupying you?)

People’s spirit and steadiness here in the 1940s has always been lauded. But what’s struck me lately is in the midst of great uncertainty, fear and loss, people are generally so uncomplaining. People are being stoic and carrying on as cheerfully as they can. It’s made me feel so proud of my friends and community.