Books I’ve enjoyed 009

It’s cold, grey and windy outside today, luckily I’ve got a pot of Teapigs darjeeling earl grey brewing, will stack the log burner and light it soon, I also plan to maybe do a bit of crochet. I’m using chunky yarn, it’s black and what I’m making is, I suspect, probably quite eccentric. More about that another time!

The Hotel by Louise Mumford

A dual storyline thriller. Four teenagers go to an abandoned Victorian hotel, which of course comes with a murky past. They plan to make a film and generally get up to hijinks in the gap between school and university. Things go terribly wrong and only three leave the hotel. Where is Leo? What happened on that fateful night?

It is now ten years later and there are fans who organise an annual convention, complete with merchandise, which has grown up around the original film that was put online. There is also intense speculation about what really happened.

The now scarred twenty eight year olds are invited to meet at the hotel once again, to join in the making of a reunion film with a professional company. What could possibly go wrong?

The Housekeepers by Alex Hay

The Housekeepers is about a heist in the Edwardian era, dreamt up, planned and executed (mostly) by women in a Park Lane mansion in London.

This is a story of revenge, for deeply personal reasons and an attempt to right some wrongs. There are female friendships which tug at the heartstrings and a few love stories too. It’s an absolutely cracking read.

When I read an advance review copy of The Housekeepers, at the beginning of the year, I remember thinking that I wouldn’t be at all surprised if there was a film or TV series commissioned in the future…

The Bookbinder of Jericho by Pip Williams

The story of twin sisters, Peg and Maude, who live on a narrow boat on the Oxford canal and work in the book bindery in nearby Jericho, at the Clarendon Press.

Peg wants far more from her life, but is stymied due to her gender and place in the world. Society is fixed for the working class and generations of families have worked in the same buildings. She is continually told not to read the books, but to bind them. Peg is tied to her sister Maude and feels that her life is narrow, full of responsibilities and a frustrating lack of freedoms.

Women are still not allowed to vote. Despite being accepted into university and able to study at Oxford, they are not awarded a degree. Going to study English at Somerville college is Peg’s dream, but this feels completely unattainable to a woman of her class and educational background. Then, World War 1 begins, bringing a wave of Belgian refugees fleeing devastated cities, through this mixing of the classes society begins to be irrevocably altered. Peg’s life alters she forms different relationships and new opportunities begin seem to be possible.

PS, if you are a fan of Pip’s The Dictionary of Lost Words, then you should know that this is set in the same period of time, in another area of Oxford. Look out for a few familiar characters.

No! I Don’t Want to Join a Bookclub by Virginia Ironside

I Don’t Want to Join a Book Club. Marie swears off all kinds of things that her friends and contemporaries are embracing: book clubs, yes, but also learning new things like foreign languages and joining gyms. Activities that challenge the mind and body, activities that others like to brag about—these are not for Marie. From the Penguin and Random House website

This was one of my holiday reads when we were away at the end of May. I picked it up from a community centre bookshelf where I’ve found lots of good reads before. Something about it grabbed me. And I realised I kept picking it up and putting it down. It’s basically the diary of Bridget Jones when she’s sixty and quite grumpy.

There are four books in the Marie Sharp series. I may look for the next sometime.

The Beginning of Everything by Jackie Fraser

A linear story about Jess who has escaped a bad situation and arrived in Wales seeking sanctuary. She and Gethin begin a friendship which is sustaining and positive for both, albeit beginning with a very unusual meeting.

This feels like an original story. The author gently and sensitively reveals Jess’s emotions, how she really feels about herself and about the beginning of a new relationship. It’s really beautifully written, I’m not sure that it will be for everyone as it’s not dramatic, it doesn’t have huge twists, but it’s really compelling. You want to find out what will happen and you root for them both.

For such a simple story I really could not put this book down! I read until the early hours to finish it; always the sign of an enjoyable book.

And Away by Bob Mortimer

Bob Mortimer’s life was trundling along happily until suddenly in 2015 he was diagnosed with a heart condition that required immediate surgery and forced him to cancel an upcoming tour. The episode unnerved him, but forced him to reflect on his life so far. This is the framework for his hilarious and moving memoir, And Away… From Goodreads

I’m not sure that you will have heard of Bob if you’re not in the UK and haven’t ever lived here. Would Shooting Stars etc have been shown internationally? I wasn’t ever a fan of Bob’s comedy with Vic Reeves a.k.a. Jim Moir, but absolutely LOVE Gone Fishing, which he presents with Paul Whitehouse. (It’s not about fishing!)

This was the first audio book I listened to last month, when I delightedly discovered Spotify Premium membership now gives you 15 hours of audiobooks a month. I was missing Audible but didn’t want to pay for another subscription.

Lovely audio book. Laugh out loud funny, particularly the first half, really warm, classic Bob.

Soups by Maggie Ramsay

There is a wide variety of soups; plenty of vegetarian, some meat and fish based varieties, also those containing pulses and grains. There are 80 recipes in all, including garnishes.

The author has given plenty of instruction, so it would be suitable for a novice cook. There are suggestions for adding or substituting ingredients. Many soups can be adapted to be vegetarian and vegan.

The one downside for me was there are no photos at all, bar the one on the front cover. I really do not care for the illustrations, as I felt that they neither represented the recipes, or were particularly attractive. The book is lacking in this respect.

I am planning to cook the Moroccan-Style Vegetable and Chicken Soup for dinner soon, the recipe instantly appealed as it will be a warming autumn meal.


Currently I’m re-reading The Christmas Bookshop by Jenny Colgan, before I can borrow her latest; Midnight at the Christmas Bookshop from the library. It’s warm, cosy and easy reading at bedtime, or in the middle of the night when I’m wide awake. I’m trying Simon Mayo’s Mad Blood Stirring again after abandoning it in 2019, listening to Oh Miriam! By Miriam Margoyles (NOT for the faint hearted) on Spotify. Lastly, I’m considering ditching Stanley Tucci’s Taste which is boring me, although I have got to the 60% point, so it seems a shame to give up now. I’ve tried a bit of the audiobook too, but for an actor his reading style seems very monotone.

Are you stuck into any books at the moment? Can you recommend something you’ve enjoyed this year?

4 thoughts on “Books I’ve enjoyed 009

    • I don’t mind those recipe books that have some without photos; I don’t need them all shown, but not to have even one seems odd. I’m planning to make a few of the recipes, so all is not lost. There’s plenty of appealing soups, overall I am recommending it.

  1. Hi. I also have an issue with cookbooks not posting photos of the cooked recipes. I honestly won’t buy a cookbook without photos. I love the sound of The Christmas Bookshop! It sounds like my kind of book – festive and cozy. I’m almost finished with Jule Chaplin’s The Cozy Cottage in Ireland and I have absolutely loved it! I would highly recommend reading it.

    Also, it’s no fun being wide awake in the middle of the night, is it? I’m 48 and definitely think that at this age hormones have something to do with it. Well, here’s to a good night’s sleep for both of us.

  2. Pingback: 5 things on a Friday | The Little Room of Rachell

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