Good medicine

It got me!

Sadly I missed Easter Sunday with family, but we FaceTimed which was really good. At least we could all see each other’s faces and have a chat. A few days later Someone also succumbed, for the first time. Being ill at the same time was novel.

We were starting to come out the other side and feel a bit more human on Friday, so I made a two cheese & red jalapeno sourdough to celebrate.

I had a craving for tomato soup for lunch to eat with the bread, so whizzed vegetables in the food processor to cut down on the energy needed for much chopping.

I’m sure this particular craving goes back to childhood. Cheese on toast with Heinz tomato soup was a regular lunch, and especially after being unwell.

It was such a tasty soup that I quickly wrote down the ingredients and rough quantities, before my Covid brain could forget, so I can replicate it sometime.

One bowl left chunky ish, the other blended according to preference. Homegrown basil to garnish, along with mustard which needed eating.

Every day I kept to my plan and planted a different batch of seeds. Zinnias I planted on Wednesday are now, less than a week later, strong seedlings complete with leaves. The downstairs of my home is essentially a functioning greenhouse. I love it. There are tomato and pointed red peppers seedlings, broad beans, parsley and nicotianas to come (maybe) and more. One of my uncles once told me: “Gardening is a matter of luck and cosmic force, Rachel.” So true. Let’s hope both come through for me.

A good mocha at the right moment. I’d walked too far yesterday and needed to rest. It did the trick.

Giuseppe Verdi tulips, beauties aren’t they? I thought I might have planted them a little late, as I didn’t get around to it till nearly Christmas.

I made Hot Cross buns before I started to feel unwell on Easter weekend. Have you spotted the one Not Cross bun? It might have been for the atheist, or perhaps because I ran out of paste!

All shared with family. And another batch sans crosses later, for the freezer.

I’ve been going for a one mile walk every day, to get fresh air and push it through my lungs. But then need to lie down afterwards, with an audiobook because of fatigue. How Not to be a Boy by Robert Webb is turning out to be a great listen.

Today’s walk was worth it for these Lucky dip cookies, made with some leftovers from Easter treats. You throw in what you have hence the name, this time it’s milk chocolate chips, raisins, walnuts and salted peanuts. They are becoming a bit of a post-Easter tradition.

I bought the SP, along with eggs and butter, because the sweet and salty combination is a favourite. Goodbye Easter weight loss!

I’ve just realised, only in the last few minutes, that I genuinely feel a bit better. Something has eased. I’ve maybe, just maybe, stopped coughing slightly and my tight chest has somewhat loosened.

All because of raw cookie dough?

All hail raw cookie dough!


So, my medicine appears to be good food, good coffee, flowers, planting and nurturing seeds, gentle movement outside, entertaining books and audiobooks. What’s yours?

Trailed by voices

My second time at the craft group in a very relaxed café, lots of chat and a few hours that flew. Very good mocha too!

I paused and took a progress pic of the five circles I’d crocheted and thought I probably had better stop. I was surrounded by mostly crocheters, I think only one at the other end was knitting. I was so enjoying chatting and hooking that my hands found themselves getting busy again. In a way it’s good, because I’m seeing my hand therapist on Friday and can report how sore it now feels. This once would not have counted as a lot of crochet…

Describing my book group and this new craft group to a friend this morning, when we were driving along, I realise that I’ve now met two women who own and ride horses in the last couple of weeks. Maybe it’s not that interesting, but as they are from completely different groups and locations it’s tickled me.

The other day I was rather horrified that my new ball of Hayfield Spirit DK came vacuum packed flat in the post. I had noticed the generously cheap postage but didn’t realise some yarn sellers are now vacuum packing orders. I thought the wool content would be completely ruined, the fibres squashed into submission. Well, actually after springing out of the pack, the ball plumped up quite nicely and doesn’t feel any thinner at all than the previously non-vacuum packed. Have you had any yarn arrive packaged like this? Do you feel it made any difference to the quality of the wool?

This week I’m reading and also listening to Weyward by Emilia Hart and enjoying it very much.

‘Wearing together the stories of three extraordinary women across five centuries, Emilia Hart’s Weyward is an enthralling novel of female resilience and the transformative power of the natural world.’ From GoodReads.

I’m also listening to Robert Webb’s How Not to be a Boy which ties into Caitlin Moran’s What about Men? And also part of Elizabeth Day’s Friendholic, both of which I mentioned last week. Robert’s writing is excellent. I really like the way he portrays himself and his family, making conscious choices to be fair and empathic about all (barring the dull grammar school science teacher!) Robert has a great voice for narrating audio (he’s known for being an actor and comedian, part of the Mitchell and Webb duo, in case his name is unfamiliar.)

I’ve realised that recently where audiobooks are concerned I’m doing the thing that lots of crafters do, only I’m doing it with audiobooks. I’ve started many, listening to some of it, then moving on to try a next, listening to more of the first and then bouncing back to the next, and then starting another, and then…. I used to have to commit to one book using a credit from Audible. I’d listen to the book, then wait until the next month brought a new credit to spend. With the Audible plus catalogue (3 months membership for 99p offer I could not refuse the other day) and Spotify premium including 15 hours a month of audiobooks or podcasts, I am now absolutely spoilt for choice. I have given up book monogamy for hopping around like a wild thing!

Instagram seems to be full of people at the moment unravelling, or frogging, crochet and knitting like billio! (iPhone does not like this antiquated slang.) I don’t really know whether it’s a chain reaction to someone prominent doing it, or spring cleaning approaching, but my feed is full of people posting photos of unfinished items, then either filming something being unravelled, or agonising over whether they should unravel it, or carry on. They say it’s not very fun to crochet / knit and maybe they could use the yarn for something else, but they’ve got so far in the making that it seems a shame. What do we think? Can we advise? Impossible to answer! But I’ve tried. I generally take the middle line and say surely it’s got to be fun? It’s a hobby, not work. And do you want / need to use whatever it is at the end? If you don’t think you will, then unravel it by all means. But then often find myself adding a caveat: it’s such a lovely piece of work, can you add a border and turn it into a baby blanket?! Anyway, what I suppose I’m thinking as I dictate this to my iPhone is that I will stop starting anymore new audiobooks and finish a few in the next week.

Spring has suddenly sprung here in my part of England: daffodils, pink blossom, white blossom, forsythia everywhere, beautiful magnolia trees in bloom and an array of spring flowers. It suddenly arrived and gosh it’s welcome!


Linking with Kat and the gang for Unraveled Wednesday, sharing what we’re making and reading this week. What are you making and reading at the mo?