
It’s nearly here! We’re only a few days away now from presents and treats, a feast and, for an alcohol free me for the last five weeks, a much longed for glass of champagne on Christmas Eve. We’re hosting a champagne afternoon tea for our mothers.

I’ve wrapped half of my presents. Every year I vow to wrap as I buy, or at least a few weeks before Christmas. Every year I fail!

During December there have been visits to National Trust properties. Festive markets, beautifully decorated garden centres and treats shared with friends and family. I’m feeling so grateful and appreciative for good health and the opportunity for all of these good things. I’ve put together a little selection of photos to share with you.

Upton House

This year has been challenging, I’ve lost two close relatives and there have been lots of difficult times. Quiet moments like these; walking up a frosty driveway and finding bright berries on a holly bush to remember and reflect have been good. Christmas is Christmas because of the people around us, not the money spent, the presents, the turkey, or even the glitz and sparkle. It’s being with people we love and who love us. On Christmas Eve we will be raising a glass in remembrance to those who are no longer with us. Join me in spirit, if you would like to?

Nuffield Place
Origami houses & cars on the tree (Lord Nuffield founded Morris Cars in Oxford)
Beautiful Woodstock
Love this crocheted square!
Crochet by The Drunken Knitwits, on a woolly decorated tree in The Westgate shopping centre, Oxford
Magnificent 11th century Gloucester Cathedral
No power tools, heavy machinery, cranes, not to mention health & safety regs – when you think about how and when cathedrals were built, it’s absolutely incredible
First batch of mince pies. Mary Berry’s pate sucrée is fabulous and really easy

“To celebrate the Coronation year, we are displaying two works by acclaimed artist Ann Carrington (b.1962).

The Pearly Queen of Shoreditch (2004) was made to mark Queen Elizabeth Il’s 80th birthday and combines an image familiar from postage stamps, with the Pearly Kings and Queens of London’s East End.

The Pearly King (2023) is a new commission for HM King Charles’ Coronation, on display for the first time.” Waddesdon Manor

A tin full of Chelsea buns to share with family over cups of tea and lots of chatter last weekend
Slightly perplexed at the size of this wreath. For the door of a castle?
Mincemeat shortbread, made yesterday

A Scottish friend shared this recipe with me: Christmas Shortbread I’ve seen her annual photos for years, on Facebook, and as I recently made shortbread I asked if I could please have it. (This is for cooking in an aga, I baked it at 160° fan (180°) for 25 minutes.

I had made some Good Housekeeping mag cranberry mincemeat last year. (Buttery, no suet.) According to the recipe it’s only meant to be kept for a week. Over a year later later I still had three jars. Fortunately it was still smelling and tasting absolutely delicious. I must’ve had a heavy hand with the bottle when I made it, it’s definitely a recipe to keep forever. I’ve got one precious jar left. I’m wondering what to use it for, maybe more mince pies next week?

Have you done any Christmas baking? What are your plans this weekend? 🎄