Autumn at Blenheim Palace

A brisk walk in the crisp Autumn air, muffled up with scarf, hat (apparently it makes me look like a pixie, hmmm) and fuzzy red gloves. But tell me why is it that dogs always swerve in a circle to the one who is not so keen, completely ignoring the other who would no doubt stop, have a stroke and a chat?



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What is absolutely perfect after a red cheek making walk is this…20131114-171219.jpg

Are you enjoying Autumn? Where are your favourite Autumn places?

10 thoughts on “Autumn at Blenheim Palace

  1. There are less leaves here to enjoy now…. A lot of them have already fallen. Cats always prefer to sit on the person who doesn’t like cats too…. I’m sure they can tell somehow!

  2. gorgeous pics. But I want to see you in the pixie hat. And as for autumn? – don’t tease, please, it’s a hotter-than-usual “spring” here, with the occasional unseasonal thunderstorm thrown in. Very strange. I’m already desperate for autumn colours and cooler mornings.

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