Taking Stock – March

Making : lists

Cooking : Meatloaf

Drinking : Hot chocolate & mimi marshmallows every night at the moment. It’s a habit I’ll break at the end of the bag of marshmallows. Nice though!

Christmas trees and lights spotted on 3/3!

Reading: Meet me at the Museum by Anne Youngson it’s so, so good. So good. Soooo good

Wanting: chocolate. I’ve given it and alcohol up for Lent, silly me

Playing: Scala Radio on catch-up, listening to Simon Mayo’s new daily 10-1pm show. My ladybird question read out on Monday, answered by an interesting expert on Tuesday

Mr Mayo and Mr Kermode with his flappy hands in the new ads, spotted last Friday in the South Ken foot tunnel, London

Liking: being in at the beginning of a brand new radio station from the start

Deciding: to walk my 6 mile loop later

Wishing: for lots of things but all happy thoughts

Enjoying: waking to bright sunny mornings

Just like a tulip, gorgeous

My friend Fran would look fabulous in this frock

Wondering: about going back to the V&A to see the Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams exhibition. It was so busy on Friday. It’s sold out until it ends in September, but as a member I can nip in and out

Loving: Sicilian Chicken and Bean stew. I keep making this recipe. (Think I’ve shared it here before. It’s that good.) No faffing about with potato, rice or whatever. One-Pot meals are the best

Pondering: topics discussed in the Meet me at the Museum book. It’s a series of (fictional) letters written by a woman in Norfolk to a museum curator in Denmark. They ruminate over some of life’s big issues, it’s thought-provoking

Gorgeous ‘thank you for looking after me flowers’

Considering: my next audio book

Buying: birthday cards. Quite a few friends are having a significant birthday this year….

Watching: Fleabag series 2. Who isn’t?

Hoping: for a return to sense

Marvelling: at the mess the politicians seem to have got into

Cringing: at the above, basically

The panorama taken from the top of Crickley Hill, Gloucestershire on Sunday

The paraglider and his passenger kept coming right over the top of us, just hovering above. I waved and shouted hello in the end

Needing: something to eat

Questioning: always have lots of questions. I’ve found some make their own interpretation as to why you’re asking, when it’s just a straightforward question with no agenda. This won’t stop me; questions are good for thinking, eliciting information and understanding

Smelling: Sweet blossom on the air

Primroses are popping up everywhere this week

Wearing: not admitting what here!

Following: lots of amazing amateur-could-be-professional photographers on Instagram. Check out: Phil Crowe and Guy Lonsdale

Knowing: I need to get moving

Thinking: about oats – porridge is a superfood isn’t it

Lots of tame chickens and peacocks at Newark Park NT

But I love my local ducks. They always come up for a chat and to see if I’ve got any food

Admiring: people who write fantastic tweets: funny, educational, thought-provoking, genuinely insightful and using only 280 characters, or fewer

Sorting: socks

Getting: tired of all the ladybirds now 🐞🐞🐞

Bookmarking: the next episode to auto-play on my latest podcast find: Fortunately with Fi Glover and Jane Garvey. So far I’ve heard: Maria Mcerlane, Sara Cox, Emma Kennedy and Mariam Margolyes. Try it?

Coveting: Hans Zimmer’s new double album, must check out Spotify

Disliking: dangerous driving for the sake of saving a few minutes

Opening: post

Giggling: at After Life by Ricky Gervais on Netflix. Don’t watch if you hate swearing. Very funny series

Feeling: happy

Snacking: on Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles – oh dear

Helping: ladybirds to freedom

Hearing: Madonna singing that tick tock song on the radio

Mixing: perfumes. Not a great smell when you’ve worn the same top a few times, but sprayed different perfumes

Slicing: onions. Lots of onions at the moment. Gets boring doesn’t it?

Celebrating: sunny days and blue skies

Forgetting: something every day, no doubt

Winning: at making the most of spring outdoors

Pretending: one day I’ll wear Dior Would love to whirl around in this beauty

Sneaking: a few extra marshmallows after measuring out the rest every night!

Embracing: the outdoors. Lots of walks. Over 200 miles this year, so far

I spotted seven parakeets in trees near the Serpentine in Hyde Park, London. They were picking at the blossom then scattering it on the ground, the hooligans!

Read about London’s parakeets here

How are you? Tell me 3 things?