Total relaxation 

Well, I now feel like I’m living in the 19th century as we are still without wifi (EE are incompetent idiots, they admit it. Kind of.) Due to having lovely friends who want to instant chat, which I’m not complaining about, I have now used up my data bolt on too. A little checking of high-data gobbling Instagram might also be the culprit too. I’ve had to come out to find some Wi-Fi to do this Yarning Along post! Such dedication. 

After being busy moving house, I couldn’t wait to go to Knit Group last night for the first time in ages and actually do something with yarn! I was truly excited about it and spent a few lovely hours knitting and chatting. So relaxing! The light in the pub is not fantastic, unless you want to go for a smoochy romantic evening of course (!) so I’ve found that just doing plain knitting is much better than trying to crochet. My elbow feels fine, but I’ll take it easy.  My knitting is slowly growing. It’s definitely going to be a slow long term project; a few years I reckon! 

There was a lot of interesting talk about making nettle yarn. I’m too lazy to go gathering bunches of nettles and checking to see whether they’re male or female (who knew?!) but I am genuinely interested to see what the resulting yarn will feel and look like. I couldn’t resist joking about making annoying husbands wear a knitted vest made of nettle yarn… but the joke’s on me as apparently you can make quite silky yarn. The more you manipulate the fibres, the smoother they become. I’ll show you if they do produce any yarn. 

My friend and I were on instant messenger this morning when my phone provider messaged to say I’d run out of data. I asked her to Google my two nearest library opening times, so I could pop in to pick up a new recipe book and use the free wifi. It’s great having a friendly PA isn’t it?!

I bought As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning at Trelissick, a NT property in Cornwall, for £1 a few weeks ago. I’ve always wanted to read it after enjoying Cider with Rosie some years ago. Laurie Lee’s writing style is really readable but well written. I can see why his books are classics. This one tells the story of how as a 19 year old, in 1934, he decided to walk to London from his small Cotswold village, he then decided to go on to Spain. (So far he’s only just got to Beaconsfield, some miles away from London.) 

What about you: what are you making and reading? Have you done any social crafting in the last few weeks? Heard of nettle yarn?

If you’d like to share what you’re making and reading every Wednesday too, leave a link in the comments. Don’t forget to link back to this post on your blog, and use #yarningalong on social media, so others can find us and join us in Yarning Along.

23 thoughts on “Total relaxation 

  1. I just finished Un Lun Dun by China Mieville, which was BRILLIANT! Now I’m trying to decide what to read next, as I have a pile of books to go at.
    So far I’ve not found anywhere to yarn socially; there are a few knitting groups around me but no crochet groups! I might just have to set one up myself ;)

  2. I have a copy of the book you mention. Read it years ago at the same time as Cider with Rosie. I remember enjoying it. And I have vague memories of a fairy tale about someone making shirts out of nettles but I think that was straight from the plants, no silky yarn!

  3. THANK YOU so much for the inspiration, dear Rachell :D
    I just LOVE your knitting… can you give us some more information about it ? I guess it must be a blanket ? I’d llike to make one, too… and I just looove long term projects (especially when autumn & winter are at our doors). Hmmmm… I can already see myself, quietly kitting in front of the open fire :D

    In stitches,

  4. Pingback: Yarn Along – Simply Summer Street

  5. Nettle yarn sounds intriguing… Not sure I’d fancy trying it though… I can only imagine a musht thing that would not work up very well! Laurie Lee is cool. I keep meaning to deliberately explore some of the places he mentions in the cotswolds, and go to a pub where he wrote too.
    I’m currently reading before the rains but dinah jeffries , which I’ve only just started but is good so far. That’s after I finished the alice network, which I liked even more once I realised it was on lots of people’s true stories, and divergent which was a gripping but quick read.

    • I think you’re probably right about the linen and nettle yarns.
      I can’t believe that for a minute Teresa! You’re always up to lots of interesting stuff. I shall find out exactly what when we eventually get reconnected with the 21st C…

  6. That looks like a fun long term project! that is too bad you don’t have Wifi. When we don’t have it, we realize how much we need it to do our blogging! our wifi is iffy at times and this disrupts a lot for me with taking courses and blogging. This week I have been mostly finishing my first sock and then starting the second sock of my Patons spiral socks. I am liking how they are turning out! the link for yarning along to see what I am working on:

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