Hotter than Ibiza

My friend just sent a photo on WhatsApp of her legs up in the garden, with a glass of what she claims is water. It looks suspiciously like a vodka tonic to me but I don’t blame her if it is; as today it’s been hotter than Ibiza, Paris and New York, to name a few. 31 degrees! That’s hot for a country whose houses are all well insulated against the cold, where most people have wall to wall carpets and noooo A/C.

The frogs (we think, though maybe they’re toads and we’ve mistakenly identified them for years?) are taking it in turns to bask on the edge of the water tank in the garden. This is a tiny one. The bigger one was there yesterday and you can see s/he here

I tried to do some crochet, but it was really too hot and I had to give up when I realised the yarn was actually squeaking through my fingers….that’s pretty gross isn’t it?!

Instead I used my Nespresso machine and aeroccino to make iced coffees for the first time. Oh yes, there will definitely be more of these scrummy drinks.

For one iced coffee: make 40ml of espresso coffee, 90ml of cold frothy milk and 1-2 tsp of sugar syrup. Pour the hot coffee over lots of ice, mix in the sugar syrup and then stir in the milk.

I made a jar of sugar syrup for cocktails a while back and was so glad it was already there sitting in the fridge. I reckon an iced coffee habit is impending, so I’m sure I’ll have to make some more!

15 thoughts on “Hotter than Ibiza

  1. I understand how you feel. I would take your 31° C though; yesterday was hot as Hades – 100° (To get the degrees sign, hold Alt down and then punch in 2,4,8). Today at 6:45 a.m. it was already 68° F and by 8 when I went to power walk it was 74° F. I am pooped out from all of the hot baking and cooking this past, Father’s Day weekend; told the husband we may have cereal although we have no milk.

    • Oh good! We have had toads sitting under the bins when we wheel them out ready for collection, they crawl, and the frogs which I used to say I’d watered (when we have grow bags of tomatoes they sit under the plants, enjoying the damp warmth) jumped away.
      These I could poke with a stick to see what they do, but I wouldn’t be so horrid.

  2. How hot has it been?! We came back from holiday and it was hotter here…. I actually lost the will to crochet for a day….The iced coffee looks amazing, may have to try and replicate it but we only have a french press :(

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