Chicken or fish?

You know that thing in a restaurant? You can’t make up your mind, so you ask someone: “What shall I have?” they say “Have the chicken” and you instantly think “NO. I want the fish!” (Substitute mushrooms and aubergine if meat isn’t your thing.) I find that a really handy way of making a decision under pressure. Nothing focuses the mind like someone telling you what you instinctively realise you don’t want. Or, perhaps it’s my contrary nature? Someone will no doubt be nodding at this point. Well, I just sent two photos to him to choose which was best and he picked this one and I instantly thought “No! I prefer the other because the book isn’t covering over most of the crochet.” But there’s no picture limit is there? (Actually there is; I’ve got 91% of my blog space filled, even though I pay a yearly subscription. I’ve got to do something with my media library, but the very thought of it makes me wince.) So, here’s the other one. You decide which you prefer! Or maybe you love them both, wink wink!

The last two rows of the slightly marled grey yarn is a new ball I bought on Monday. I’m not entirely happy with it, although I tried hard to match the yarns. It’s also aran and has roughly 20% of wool like the Katia silver paint, now discontinued, that I used for the rest of the shawl, but it feels thicker. I think it’s going to be much bulkier when I start to crochet the shells. My plan is to search eBay, yet again, and then email Katia brand and throw myself on their mercy in hope of a stray ball, or a recommendation of another of their yarns which may be a better match. It can’t hurt, can it?

This week I’ve been to a crafty meet up. It’s always a gamble. l’ve joined several over the years and had mixed experiences. They can be cliquey, full of woman with children at the same school and it’s an hour or more of assassination of the teachers and staff, particularly awkward if I know any of them, or an older group who have been meeting for decades and don’t really welcome new younger ones. I once went to one with mostly university staff who were very snobby knitters: “Oh, you’ve never knit an X design?!” “You haven’t [even] heard of that designer?!” Or no other crocheters and so you can be viewed as an anomaly and rather pointedly (ha!) asked if you can knit? “Yes I can. I just prefer crochet as it’s easy and I can look at you and not make a complete mess of what I’m knitting.”

Actually I remember now that the university knit group was a long time ago, maybe my first crafty meet up and so I naïvely took some lace knitting. Of course when I looked at it in daylight the following day, there were multiple mistakes and dropped stitches. I’ve never made that error again. Of course it’s great to take something complicated and impress everyone, that’s if you’re a real lover of undoing it all the next day.

My longish lost absolutely lovely group are now too far away to meet up with really, unless it’s in the daytime but that’s tricky with work and children. Weekends seem to be ring fenced which is a shame.

I went to the coffee shop feeling curious to see whether I would be the youngest, the only crocheter and how many people there would be as few committed to attending on social media. I didn’t know whether to expect three or 30. The first surprise was someone I used to work with in the late 1990s, who said “Last time I saw you, you were engaged!” I went to her wedding and incredibly they’re not far from their 30th anniversary…. how did that happen?

There were quite a few connections; others recognised me and vice versa from local businesses, we think. A woman knows one of my parent’s cousins. She wore funky glasses, a nose stud and had a cool haircut. I see from looking at her social media that she does psychic readings. I shan’t mention knowing that, but I’m going to think of a long gone ancestor whom I never met, but would have liked to. I can picture her name as a couple of different items. I’m not going to say anything to her about psychic ability at all. I’m going to see if at the next group she tells me that someone called X is trying to contact you, or has a message for your family! You just never know…

There is also a relative whom I haven’t yet met who is in the FB group. And the Dil of a distant relative too. (My genealogy searches and greater understanding of the vastness of the family tree and remembering who is who is paying off.)

Apart from my ex-colleague, I also sat next to a lecturer who’s just written a book on swearing. l’ve reserved it from the library, so it will feature on another Wednesday. She was knitting a colour-work top down raglan jumper on circular needles, but I bet she doesn’t undo any at all.

Not a boring afternoon at all! And, I reckon there were slightly more crocheters than knitters, more than 3 but less than thirty attended and I wasn’t the youngest there. Not a boring afternoon! A perfect few hours.

And now the booky part: “…a family reunion that leads to murder. After years of avoiding each other, Daisy Darker’s entire family is assembling for Nana’s 80th birthday party in Nana’s crumbling gothic house on a tiny tidal island. Finally back together one last time, when the tide comes in, they will be cut off from the rest of the world for eight hours. The family arrives, each of them harboring secrets. Then at the stroke of midnight, as a storm rages, Nana is found dead.

And an hour later, the next family member follows… Trapped on an island where someone is killing them one by one, the Darkers must reckon with their present mystery as well as their past secrets, before the tide comes in and all is revealed. With a wicked wink to Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None, Daisy Darker’s unforgettable twists will leave readers reeling.” From GoodReads.

This is a book club read, we all voted online on about six choices and this won. I was pleased because it was my top choice, although I liked all the others, apart from one science fiction. I can’t make many of the bookclub meetings, but did go to one before Christmas and really enjoyed it. Sadly it clashes with another group I attend. Why is everything on a Wednesday? I’m going to carry on reading along with the books and join them on the months I can. There’s also a bit of WhatsApp chat after the meet up, so I can add my thoughts on the book there.

I suspect I know what’s going to happen and whodunit, while also suspecting the author is far cleverer than I. I won’t say anymore because of spoilers.


I chatted about my seeds last week, if you want to see my beautiful peashoots and sunflower microgreens, mentioned here, then check out my Instagram stories today. Actually I’ve just had a lovely DM saying “Total peashoot envy.”

What are you making and reading (and growing) this week?

I’m joining in with Kat and the gang as usual for Unravelled Wednesday.

Books I’ve enjoyed 010

1. The Book of Beginnings by Sally Page

A warm hug of a book about friendship and belonging, forgiveness and acceptance of oneself, faults and all, with twinkling Christmas lights and snow near the end too.
This is well written and nicely researched, with added historical figures for depth and interest. A little poetry thrown in to the mix and some lovely quotes from the characters. Perfect!

2. Travels with my Aunt by Graham Greene

Henry Pulling, a retired bank manager, meets his septuagenarian Aunt Augusta for the first time in over fifty years at what he supposes to be his mother’s funeral. Soon after, she persuades Henry to abandon Southwood, his dahlias and the Major next door to travel her way, Brighton, Paris, Istanbul, Paraguay.

Through Aunt Augusta, a veteran of Europe’s hotel bedrooms, Henry joins a shiftless, twilight society: mixing with hippies, war criminals, CIA men; smoking pot, breaking all the currency regulations and eventually coming alive after a dull suburban life. In Travels with my Aunt Graham Greene not only gives us intoxicating entertainment but also confronts us with some of the most perplexing of human dilemmas.’ From GoodReads

A riotous journey! I decided it was time to read this classic story, first published in 1969.

3. The House of Fortune by Jessie Burton

‘1705, Amsterdam. Thea Brandt is about to turn eighteen, and at the theatre in the heart of the city she has met the love of her life. At home, however, her family faces ruin. Desperate to change their fortunes, Thea’s aunt Nella is convinced that she must find Thea a wealthy husband, to get her away from the theatre and solidify her place in the society in which she truly belongs. As Thea and Nella clash over the demands of duty and the heart, past secrets begin to overwhelm their present.

And then there is the elusive miniaturist – when mysterious figurines begin to arrive on the family doorstep, it seems someone may have unexpected plans for Thea’s family. Will each woman be able to rescue her destiny from the whims of fortune?’ From GoodReads

The second in The Miniaturist series. I felt there is plenty of scope for another story by the end of The House of Fortune. I really enjoyed visiting eighteenth century Amsterdam.

4. The Whispering Muse by Laura Purcell

Jenny is sought out to come and work at the Mercury theatre in London’s West End by Mrs Dyer, the wife of the theatre’s proprietor. She is engaged as a member of the wardrobe room and as dresser to leading lady Lilith, whom she is also to spy upon. Mrs Dyer is suspicious and jealous of Lilith and her suspected attachment to her husband. Meanwhile, Lilith is obsessed with a watch that belonged to a tragic actor. It is said to be possessed by the spirit of Melpomene, the tragic Greek muse of theatre. The watch is said to bestow anything an actor desires, but comes with a gory history. Jenny has witnessed the upsetting event which occurred to its last owner…

Is Mrs Dyer as caring and supportive as she seems? Is Lilith the unpleasant diva she seems, or more human and fallible? What is happening to the people and fabric of the building at the Mercury?

This is a really good premise for a story; there is an array of interesting characters and an excellent setting (a Victorian theatre has to be one of the best, on par with a huge old ancestral home in the country.) The story is structured around the five plays that the company stage.

5. A Slow Fire Burning by Paula Hawkins

‘When a young man is found gruesomely murdered in a London houseboat, it triggers questions about three women who knew him. Laura is the troubled one-night-stand last seen in the victim’s home. Carla is his grief-stricken aunt, already mourning the recent death of yet another family member. And Miriam is the nosy neighbor clearly keeping secrets from the police. Three women with separate connections to the victim. Three women who are – for different reasons – simmering with resentment. Who are, whether they know it or not, burning to right the wrongs done to them. When it comes to revenge, even good people might be capable of terrible deeds. How far might any one of them go to find peace? How long can secrets smolder before they explode into flame? Look what you started.’ From GoodReads

It’s not a jolly read, which is a great understatement, but kept me guessing and turning the pages.

6. Black Rabbit Hall by Eve Chase

‘The hours pass differently at Black Rabbit Hall. For the four Alton children, it’s the perfect summer escape where not much ever happens – until one stormy evening, something does.And their idyllic world is shattered. Decades later, Lorna is drawn to a beautiful yet crumbling old house she hazily remembers from childhood – feels a bond she does not understand. But a disturbing message left by one of the Alton children tells her that Black Rabbit Hall’s history is as dark and tangled as its woods. And much like her own past, it must be brought into the light…’ From GoodReads

I’m always drawn to English county house settings! I also recommend The Glass House by Eve Chase.

7. Into the Uncanny by Danny Robins

‘This book is the story of these ordinary people who have experienced extraordinary things and want to make sense of them. Each one is a brand-new case I have never shared before; modern day ghost stories that make my blood run cold as effectively as anything that Charles Dickens could rustle up. And they are all entirely true.It’s also a story of my own personal journey of discovery because l’ve realised something from hearing all these incredible stories that come my way. I’ve realised how much I want to believe. I’m asking you to join me, to keep an open mind and to prepare to have your very concept of reality challenged. Are you ready?’ From GoodReads

Excellent audiobook voiced by the author. Genuinely gripping! #TeamNotSure

There’s also the Uncanny podcast, The Witch Farm (haven’t listened to this one yet) and The Battersea Poltergeist podcasts by Danny, also three TV episodes of Uncanny which are on the BBC iPlayer.

8. Winter Animals by Ashani Lewis

Thirtysomething-year-old Elen find herself adrift, lonely and drinking excessively, after the departure of her husband, who leaves her virtually penniless and subsequently homeless. She meets four British teenagers in a bar one day and becomes attached to the group. They travel and squat in empty buildings during the ski season and spend the majority of their days hiking up mountains and skiing back down. This is all possible by the fact that all of the teenagers come from well-off families. They live in relative comfort and without undue anxiety despite the fact they may be discovered by the authority or owners of the properties.

Luka feels himself to be the leader of the group and endlessly spouts the beliefs and ideas of a long-dead philosopher. Due to their isolation and days skiing without seeing many people the group of five become cultish and cut-off from the outside world.

9. Night watching by Tracy Sierra

A women and her two small children are at home in their old house late at night, in a raging snowstorm, the children are asleep. The woman hears a sound, she’s on instant alert and realises that they are definitely not in the house alone. What should she do? Run? Hide? Can she alert anyone without giving their location in the large house away?

This is an on the edge of your seat psychological thriller which manages to sustain the tension of what is happening in the house, even while including flashbacks to allow us to discover more about the woman, her husband and his family.

10. The Story Collector by Iris Costello

The Story Collector tells the stories of three women: Katerina, a German living in the East End of London, running a bakery in 1915, Miriam, a nurse and researcher who is working in a prisoner of war camp in Germany in 1918 and grief stricken Edie who has left London to live in Cornwall, in the present day. There are links which connect the three women. A mysterious box is found with items which will help to reveal the mystery…


There you go, a good selection of books to check out. Many of those I read as advance copies, months ago before publication. I’m glad that there’s been a buzz around several of them. It pleases me that I picked some goodies.

I’ve currently got a batch of 7 new advance books to read and review from NetGalley, before publication including: Kate Grenville, Harlan Coben and Sarah Perry’s forthcoming releases. Exciting.

Amongst others I’m still ploughing through The Running Grave by Robert Galbraith (JK Rowling.) It’s an epic 960 pages, but like the rest of the Strike series is a total page turner. I’m also listening to it a bit on Spotify Premium, because the beauty is you don’t have to commit to the whole audiobook, like on Audible, you can dip in and out of lots of books within a 15 hour listening allowance for the month. I listened for an hour cosied sat up in bed yesterday morning, while crocheting more rounds of my last Coast Blanket granny square. That was a satisfyingly chilled start to Saturday, before I went out for the rest of the day.

Have you any good book recommendations? I enjoy reading about books you’ve enjoyed. It’s always nice when I’ve already read and enjoyed it too.

I wonder if I should start a Books I’ve Hated series?! That could provoke some interesting discussion!