Yarn Along – January

I’ve got some ends to darn on my cowl. I can send it to my friend tomorrow and then it’s officially my first make of 2021. Done. I’ll write up the pattern tomorrow.

I snuck into the Post Office yesterday to buy stamps when it was quiet in there, because the fewer the people, the better. The fewer the shops I go into at all, the better. Preferably one Grocery Delivery a week and if we haven’t got it, we’re not having it.

The News here is grim: we hear the number of deaths every day (I read this morning that we reached the total number of deaths in Australia in just one 24 hour period) that there’s a staggeringly high rate of new infections with the mutated virus which is more easily transmitted, and the NHS is close to being overwhelmed. I have had people who live abroad contact me, concerned about the news from the UK and about our third Lockdown, which came into force on Tuesday. Some are surprised. They thought we had it more under control here….

I am glad for books and reading. It’s even better than tv or films, for absorbing myself in other worlds and times. I read until 01:15 this morning. I feel very bleary today, but I got so wrapped up in Sophie Hannah’s Haven’t They Grown. Here’s a brief outline; Beth hasn’t seen her friend Flora for a dozen years, she passes her former friend’s area while taking her son to a match. Parking by her house, Beth sees the children again. Not sounding very exciting? Well the thing is that they are still precisely the same. Still three and five years old, twelve years later. What’s going on?

I’ve now read 58% of the book and really hoping the mystery isn’t going to be a massive let-down at the end. My mind is powering through all sorts of ‘explanations’ I tell you. Absorbing stuff.

I’m listening to Jess Kidd’s Things in Jars, this couldn’t be more different. Set in Victorian London it’s the tale of Bridie Devine, an unconventional lady detective who is hired to solve a very tricksy kidnapping. As with The Hoarder (Titled Mr Flood’s Last Resort in the USA) Jess Kidd writes in a very compelling way. She has such a unique style of description. The audio isn’t going fast enough, always the sign of a good book for me, so I’m listening to a chapter or two and reading a few as I go too.

Please take a few minutes to leave a comment: tell me what you’re knitting or crocheting? Tell me if you’re reading anything good, or is it bad? Is it awful? Are you just about to give up and pick something else? Maybe you’re not reading at all; you’re binge watching Netflix instead?

I know you’re still reading these posts, I see my WordPress stats and familiar names of readers on Bloglovin’ who have read for years and years. It was my NINE YEAR blog anniversary on New Year’s Eve, so WP informed me. Wheee! Can’t believe it’s been so long. I really appreciate you checking in every time I write, but it’s feeling increasingly like I’m calling into the wind. Tell me something hey? Anything. I’m winking at you.

11 thoughts on “Yarn Along – January

  1. Hi, my name is Susan and I’m a fairly new reader. I think I joined up last month and read you with Feedly, so you probably only see me as a viewer. I am currently reading Paranoid by Lisa Jackson. I’m about half way and it’s been good so far. It’s a thriller murder mystery type book and it kind of keeps me up at night because I can’t stop reading. I am a crocheter and quilter. I’m almost finished with my 4th afghan of the year (starting is April actually). Usually, I would only make one a year but, as you know, it’s been an unusual year. I live in North Carolina, US. We are having bad Covid numbers here as well. We aren’t on lock down but they do ask us to stay home, wear masks and not gather in groups. We also have a curfew at night from 10:00pm to 6:00am. I don’t usually comment on blogs but just wanted you to know there was someone out there. I’ve been enjoying your thoughts on life. Have a great day. Susan

    • Hi Susan,

      Hi from Texas. We’ve not had a lock down and different counties have different regulations on masks. I wear one all the time so I don’t bring it home. My job never stopped as I’m part of the legal system wheel. I hope you are safe and well and I wish you a happier and safe time. :)

  2. I notice you deliberately don’t have a Like button on your posts. I pretty much read everything you write (not always on the day you post though), but sometimes I have a zillion things on my mind so I omit to respond. I guess hitting Like is the easiest way to let a person know that somebody out there in the weird world of the interweb is actually paying attention.
    No knitting nor crocheting for me. The arthritis in my right hand seems to have reached a plateau for now, but it’s still painful to work with a crochet hook. Knitting is less of a strain on my hands but seriously, dude, no-one wants to knit in the balmy heights of a Cape Town summer.
    I am working with beads and fabric, in between machine-sewing. I’m finding it more difficult to concentrate on a book when I go to bed these days, everything feels completely out of whack. Instead, I watch something on Netflix (not even going to tell you what I’m watching right now because it’s pretty awful but for some bizarre reason I’m hooked – all I’ll say is that it’s French Canadian).
    Sounds like you’re being sensible with your lockdown situation, all we can really do is work with what we’ve got and make the best of things. I’m making an educated guess that we (I mean South Africa, obviously) are about to get another amendment to our regulations in the next 24 to 48 hours. It’s not going to be pretty. But this time I’m ready for Dr Virodene….I’ve stocked up on a few “essentials” that she would no doubt love to ban again.

  3. I love to read your posts and I have just put Sophie Hannah’s book onto my Kindle. It will be very different from my current book, “Miss Austen” by Gill Hornby. A fictitious account of Cassandra Austen and her. dilemma about whether she should/ should not destroy her sister’s letters to preserve Jabe’s reputation.

  4. Although not a knitter/crocheter myself, I enjoy reading your posts so much! My absolute favourite are your lovely photos. I also like your “Taking stock” posts.
    The situation here (in Prague) is not good either, we’re having the 3rd wave of Covid, the numbers are growing every day. Reading helps, along with listening to music (Beethoven’s symphonies work as a great antidepressant for me). I’ve been re-reading Trygve Gulbranssen’s “Beyond Sing the Woods” for the umpteenth time.
    I’m so glad that the days are getting longer once again – can’t wait for the spring and the hope it always brings!
    Love and take care!

  5. Winking back. Reading your posts are always a ray of sunshine. Unfortunately I’ve had to give up knitting due to a condition that makes my hands fall asleep three minutes after picking it up and then making them hurt for days afterwards. Instead I’ve found the joy of sewing by machine clothes that actually fit me and the lovely people on YouTube or costube. I hope you are doing well and that you are safe always. Though I don’t make many comments I read every post the day its posted. You feel like a friend that I’ve just never had a chance to talk to. Things are crazy now in the US but I hope not just us but the entire world gets better soon.

    Regards, Kris

  6. Dear Rachel

    I enjoy your posts very much but have never commented before. I live in the central west of NSW. We are so lucky here life pretty much as normal just no Inter state travel. I do feel for you all in the UK. I have been there a few times. My daughter lived in Greenwich for a while and I loved the fan museum. 😂😂 I’m reading Warlight by Michael Ondaatje, rather grim and Picardy by Marian Somers, very Australian. Finishing a cross stitch for my mum who can’t see to stitch anymore. I do so enjoy your posts thank you for entertaining me over the years, so sorry you are having such a bad time. Best wishes and kindest regards Jennifer

  7. I’m crocheting a baby blanket, there are a few babies due soon. I’m ready the latest Jack Reacher book, kind of predictable, but I’m enjoying it so far. Otherwise, working full time from home, so don’t have much time for much else.

  8. I’m working on my granddaughter’s blanket (which you will know if you’ve read my posts). I read quite a good book lately by Robert Harris: “The Fear Index”. He writes well and the end could have been mundane but it wasn’t. Not sure if that is good or bad. Enjoyed the ride though! It centres around a hedge fund but I suppose in some ways that is incidental to the plot..

  9. Pingback: The best flatlay background ever | The Little Room of Rachell

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