Cotton baby bib


Crocheted for the baby to whom I gave the Jewel baby blanket. We visited the hospital the day after she was born and now unbelievably she’s already just over 2 months old, whew doesn’t time go fast?! Today a friend and I are going to visit her in London on the canal boat which is home.

I fancied making a little follow-up gift and feel liberated to try lots of new patterns now I have that end of term feeling, after the schedule of making three CAL blocks a week since September. Ya hooo!

The pattern is from Nicki Trench’s Cute and Easy Crochet book. I used the specified Rowan Handknit DK Cotton with 4mm and 3mm hooks. It’s really easy to make and is crocheted in the same sort of way I used for Prachi’s bag.

Have you made anything for family or friends lately?